Mailing List Members in Cloud Hosting
Managing the members of any Internet mailing list set up under a cloud hosting account with our company will be exceptionally easy. We make use of a full-featured piece of software called Majordomo – one of the most widely used mailing list client apps for setting up and administering mailing lists available on the marketplace. It will allow you to add, to remove or to see all the mailing list members by simply sending an email message to Newly added users will need to verify their membership, so you can’t just enter a mailbox and begin sending out regular emails to it through a mailing list without the consent of the user. In case you come across any difficulties, we have a detailed how-to article in the Email Manager section of the Hepsia Control Panel that is included with each and every account, as well as a 24/7/365 client care team, which will assist you with any questions in regards to the mailing list options.
Mailing List Members in Semi-dedicated Servers
With our semi-dedicated servers, there isn’t any restriction on the number of electronic mailing list subscribers that you can have. You can administer the subscriptions without any difficulties using the Majordomo mailing list management software application that we provide with each account and the moment you set up a brand-new mailing list through the Email Manager section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you’ll be able to include new mailing list members. The latter will receive an email in order to confirm that they want to receive your newsletters in the future and when they do this, they will be included in the mailing list. Deleting a member or viewing all present subscribers is also exceptionally easy and entails sending an email to the mailing list’s admin email address, so you’ll be able to manage everything even if you aren’t logged in to your hosting Control Panel. We also have how-to articles with useful information.