Linux is a well known Operating System, that is commonly used for web servers, as it offers a variety of advantages over other OSs. It's looked upon as the most solid OS these days and owing to the way it runs, corrupted files will simply not work. Because Linux is 100 % free to use, no license fees will be calculated in the price you will have to pay for your web hosting service. This, consequently, makes it possible for the provider to personalize the Operating system depending on what they and their clients need, taking away unnecessary packages to optimize the OS and the server’s efficiency. Linux servers typically come with the Apache server software, which processes website access requests. Apache is additionally absolutely free and customizable, not to mention that it's extremely fast and light in terms of the resources it requires. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is the software environment that a number of the most popular script apps require – Moodle, WordPress, Joomla, etc. The LAMP configuration is the most traditionally used one around the globe, since it's stable and simple to maintain.

Stable Linux with Apache in Cloud Hosting

The cloud hosting accounts which we offer are created on our cutting-edge custom cloud hosting platform. Separate groups of servers are used to handle every single part of the website hosting service, including e-mails, databases etc. All our servers run Linux. The latter has been customized in order to ensure that we can provide you with a stable web hosting service without wasting system resources. We use the powerful Apache web server and we have an entire cluster for it, to ensure that all HTTP requests between visitors and your Internet sites will be taken care of without delay. You will be able to use a variety of languages for your websites – HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Perl, and so forth., and you'll not need to be worried about protection or reliability problems at any time.

Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated server accounts are set up on a cutting-edge custom made platform. An individual cluster of servers manages each service - databases, email messages, files, etc., and given that we highly treasure the positive aspects of an easy to customize, risk-free and stable Operating System, all of the machines that form the clusters run Linux. The Operating system enables us to make the required improvements, not to mention the increased speed, due to the fact only one type of process runs on the web server, contrary to the traditional web hosting platform provided by most companies in which everything runs on one server. Moreover, we use the Apache web server as well. We have examined its capabilities through the years, so we have confirmed that it could give us as a provider and you as a client the needed speed and versatility for the most effective site performance.